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Food For Thought
Cat eating from bowl, dog in the background

Food For Thought

Food, glorious food! Do you ever feel flustered when trying to decide what to feed your pet? Nutritionist Dr Marge Chandler can help. See below for some pearls of wisdom...

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Chocolate is Poisonous
Easter eggs and chocolate in a basket

Chocolate is Poisonous

We're afraid the rumours are true: chocolate is very bad for cats and dogs. We take a look at the science behind chocolate poisoning and what to do if you're worried...

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My Family Vets vs. Puppy Farms
Small brown and white puppy

My Family Vets vs. Puppy Farms

Dogs Trust say demand for puppies is 800,000 a year. The UK GOV estimates 560,000 are registered properly. This leaves 240,000 who could be coming from anywhere...

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Staying Safe in the Snow
Dalmation standing in snow

Staying Safe in the Snow

Snow: beautiful to look at, but not the most comfortable for little paws when they're out walking. Click below to read our top tips for keeping your pets cosy in the cold...

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5 Enrichment Tips for Cats
Cat standing in grass

5 Enrichment Tips for Cats

Did you know cats can be trained too? In fact, they thrive on mental and physical stimulation. Click below to read about the best ways of keeping your cat's mind occupied...

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